To sell your artwork online has become so much easier nowadays, thanks to our lovely Internet and its amazing features!
Lets start on how to sell your artwork online with these easy ways!
1. Setting up your website
First of all, it’s important to make sure that you are comfortable with website building as soon as you make your decision. That way, you are able to create a perfectly clear, easy to navigate and classy design to capture the attention of your prospective buyers!
“For a painter, website creation is not just to sell and display his or her work, it’s a major tool in marketing, connecting with clients and promoting sales. Without a website, you may be wasting a lot of time and money.” – Vincent Napoli, artist and CEO of All
The site should be easy to navigate and have tons of options so that it suits the needs of every prospective buyer.
My website ‘‘ is the start of the journey to sell my artwork online. With the love of technology and art, making this site was just so fun for me!
2. Choosing an online gallery for your artwork
Since these online stores are just online magazines, they have many different ways to sell their artwork.
There are some major platforms used for selling your artwork online: Etsy, FineArtAmerica, Amazon, SaatchiArt, ArtFinder, Shopify, etc. You can have a look at my ArtsFiestaShop Etsy shop for more inspiration.

If you’re selling your paintings on an online magazine, you should choose an online gallery with good quality art.
Create your first etsy shop fast and grab the experience of how the ecommerce platform really works! You’ll get a whole idea of the market, competition and smart work needed to build your brand.
3. Creating a call-to-action
This is the first step in selling your artwork online. Asking your target audience to contact you is one of the most powerful tools you have to get them to click on your ad, visit your website, or even buy your art.
If you have images on social media or printed, make sure you have a call-to-action like this: “Would you be interested in viewing the above paintings on my website?” or “Would you like to buy this artwork?”
Another simple way to ask your audience for their contact information is to use an email capture form: “I’ve included an image of your email. Would you like to receive more details about my artwork? Please reply with your name, email address, postal address, and phone number.”
Choose a professional looking email subject. People read the first few sentences.
4. Setting up social media
You might not be great at branding, and some of your photos might not look amazing, but the good news is,
nobody cares!
You’re not trying to sell these. You’re trying to display your work. So, focus on it – and make it pretty!
The aim of your Facebook and Instagram art page is to connect with a broad base of people who share your interests – for example, science, technology, and animals. And it’s for this reason that these are a great platform to start off on: there’s a huge amount of content shared on it every day – with close to 2 billion users!
Choose your art photos appropriately!
Click it with simplicity and style to make it look attractive to the audience
5. Creating buzz with blogging
Many people have been using blogging as their sole way of promotion. They use blogging as a kind of competition to sell their artwork, because they feel the most successful artists will reach the largest amount of customers in the shortest time.
This method, however, is not very practical in a traditional, commercial studio environment. Your own blog is usually not enough to reach those new clients. Your blog is not only a vehicle to sell your artwork, in fact, it is supposed to be a platform to promote your career, your creativity, your personality and above all your products.
6. Sharing your work in person
What if I told you that your only problem with selling artwork would be the fact that you are so afraid to show your work to strangers?
Well, you’re probably not wrong, at least if you do your research. But, you know, if you’re afraid of talking to strangers, then it is entirely possible to be afraid of selling your art to strangers. That doesn’t mean your artwork won’t sell, but at least try to accept the fact that if you want to sell your work, you need to speak about it and how much it matters to you.
As you can see, selling art isn’t as difficult as you might think, especially if you know how to sell your artwork online.
7. Pricing your art appropriately
If you’re thinking of selling your artwork online, there are a few points you should keep in mind.
Firstly, you should always price your artwork at a fair price. Check out this guide on How to Price your paintings (3 easy ways)
Pricing your artwork too high is one of the biggest mistakes artists make.
Pricing it too low is also a very common mistake.
How much you charge is what the buyer will pay or not. It is your job to set a fair price.
Asking prices: Here are some relevant questions to ask yourself, including:
- What do people expect the final price of your artwork to be?
- How much money will they pay for it?
If they don’t pay what you set the asking price, you should lower the asking price or adjust it.
Even a few extra dollars is enough to break the relationship between you and the buyer.
8. Getting the word out on affordable marketing channels
With the vast number of venues and affordable marketing channels at our fingertips nowadays, selling our work has become just as simple as buying other stuff.
First and foremost, we need to take advantage of the amazing online sphere to sell our work, for a variety of reasons.
A gallery show is simply a great idea if we want to get our artwork seen by people, but we’re not into galleries and can’t be bothered paying gallery fees.
Artists themselves have to rely on the scarcity of galleries and willing to exhibit them. Since we’re outside of that system, we need to either seek out smaller communities or take it upon ourselves to get our portfolio out there and present it online.
In all, to sell your artwork online is not that difficult in today’s era. With experience, you can definitely become a master in it. Good Luck!